Monday, July 03, 2006

The third of July

We started our day playing in the puddles. Caleb was splashing and crawling all through the puddles and then started clapping. That is his newest trick...clapping. He claps a lot and is so proud of himself when he does it.

Then we packed up and took the train (for the first time!) down to Grant Park for the fireworks. As you can see he really enjoyed himself on the train. He was just staring out the window and smiling at all the people getting on and off the train.

Here's the three of us at Grant Park. It was rainy this morning, so we came prepared for anything, but it turned out to be a great day.

Caleb worked so hard helping with the tent that he needed to take a little nap. He slept for about 45 minutes and then was up and ready to watch the fireworks!

When the fireworks started he just looked up in the sky, staring at them! He was not sure what to make of it, I guess. It was so adorable. He wasn't scared at all and actually after a few minutes was bored with them and wanted to crawl around!

1 comment:

THE GTEAM said...

Your boy is seeing the world. A traveling man from the get-go.

the gaps