Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Stroms go to Nashville

Caleb went on his second flight this weekend. We went down to Nashville for the National Youth Workers Convention. Once again he did so well on the plane and was such a trooper as we dragged him around to all the sessions. The first night we were there (friday) he slept for 9 hours, the second night 7 hours and when we got back home 5 hours! We were hoping that he had learned how to sleep through the such luck!

Caleb got to go in the pool with Erik on Saturday. He didn't really have any sorta reaction to the pool, not too excited about it, but not upset either. Don't you just love those little trunks!

The picture of him on the bed is when he sorta rolled over! The bed was a little squishy so it sorta gave him a headstart. But one minute he was on his belly and on his back the next. He is growing up so quickly!


Austin boys said...

What a cute kid! Caleb looks like a Mecher in the top left picture.

Anonymous said...

i love to see that little man smiling.