Sunday, March 30, 2008

More camp pictures

Tammy just sent over some pictures from her camera. Make sure to look closely at the second picture!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break 2008

We headed up to Covenant Point for "spring break" this year. It was a really fun and crazy week. We went up there so that some work could get done on the Strom cabin. We invited the Rills to come along so that Dave could do the plumbing (this worked out well since Tammy was in China during this time), which meant that during the day I was a mother of 6 kids! Kinda crazy, but really fun. The hardest part turned out to be meal time...too many people to feed and take care of at the same time. Brixton, Skylar and Olivia were big helpers...thanks! Here are some pictures from our week. This is at a gas stop, letting Caleb burn off some energy. This picture reminds me of the pictures they take of actors and their kids.

Jackson eating an apple in the car.

These two guys had so much fun together. Look at how tall and skinny Grayden is!

Our first time out in the snow. Olivia, Caleb and Grayden.

Lunch time with my kids!

Grayden was a good helper too!

Reading books before bed, the two thumb suckers.

Jackson loved the sled rides Olivia would give him.

Ready to go to work with daddy.

One afternoon Skylar asked if he could rollerblade in the Tab while pushing Jackson around in the bike trailer. I thought that was a good idea since it was close to naptime. Skylar got him to sleep.

Heading over to Kyle and Jenny's for dinner.

And then to George Young for some swimming.

Our family in the pool.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

On Easter morning Winnetka has a 'Swedish Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser' for the summer mission trip. Cam and Erik showed up in the same ties (from Jeff and Anna's wedding) and my boys were matching as well. This is our attempt at a "matching" picture.

Here is our attempt at a family picture...the sun was shining right in our eyes.

Off to have lunch at the Stroms. Nana had an egg hunt already set up for Caleb. He enjoyed going around the whole house finding the eggs (thankfully there was no candy in these eggs! Caleb had way too much sugar yesterday and had a hard time falling asleep at night).

Jackson enjoyed his meal that he could eat all by himself.

Caleb and I doing "cheers". The family was so shocked that he knew that and thought it was so funny.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

This morning we went to an Easter Egg Hunt at my parents church. It was so much fun. There were egg hunts for all ages, games and a bounce castle. Jackson helped Rachel with the 'Sparky Toss'.

Jackson and Skylar

Caleb didn't understand that you try to get as many eggs as you can. He would grab an egg, open it and want to eat the candy right away. One mistake was putting gum in the eggs for 2 year olds!

Look at those smiles!

This is the best pictures I have of the bounce castle.

Here is the best picture to capture Jackson's first Easter. This kid is so full of smiles.

Dyeing Easter Eggs

This afternoon we dyed eggs at my parents house with the Rills. Caleb and Grayden really liked the rollers. Caleb also liked peeling the eggs...oh well!

Caleb's hands were really messy afterwards and he didn't understand why the dye wouldn't come off.
The finished product.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday morning with Gwen and Linnea

Today we went to free day at the Nature Museum with Gwen and Linnea (and Greta too!). Here they are saying hi to each other.

Later that afternoon I took the boys to a park for some much needed fresh air.
Caleb asked if he could push Jackson.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jackson is 9 months old...

Look at this chubby little guy! Here are Jackson's stats from his 9 month check-up...
weight - 20 pounds 4 ounces
length - 28 inches
head - 18.25
He is still as smiley as ever. He still wakes up once during the night, but has been going to bed at 7 pm (waking up around 5 for a bottle) and waking up at 7:45 or 8:00am. Erik and I are happy to finally be getting some sleep. These last couple nights we have successfully put the boys to bed at the same time! Maybe this sharing a room thing isn't so bad after all.